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Foro del Celebrity Bash
Celebrity Bash
:: Celebrity Bash (Lucha)
¡Haz tus sueños realidad! Este juego te permite aporrear y dejar fuera de combate a los famosillos más detestables. Golpes: 1 clic - golpe alto; 2 clics - gancho rápido; 2 clics + Espacio - golpe bajo ·· Ratón (golpear) Espacio (bloquear)
Tamaño: 1821 kbs - Nota: 7,41
Opinión (Ayuda, duda, truco, comentario, ...)
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[27/08/2012 20:47] SyZPYUStkbG (España): Here's what I can help with..You guys are welcome down at any point on Saturday (the erlaier the better, of course). Staying the night - yes.Kevin will be down here already, so you and tuque just need to figure out how and when you are coming down.What we're playing - no idea.Hope that helps a little!
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