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Foro del Rumble in the Soup
Rumble in the Soup
:: Rumble in the Soup (Acción)
Nada rápidamente en este juego de acción y disparos mientras disparas y esquivas enemigos sin cesar. Recoge las monedas para mejorar tu personaje y tus armas ·· Ratón
Tamaño: 15356 kbs - Nota: 7,00
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[16/10/2015 02:51] 1dOdbIqTURD (España): Im saying the MOTHER FUCKIN HI-HATS! By far my ftiarvoe gang it sucks they didnt have much scenes in the film but even so they r fuckin crazy ass mimes that r very fuckin creepy & full of surprises & The Rogues kinda just hid under the radar & fought like cowards with their cheap shots (literally & figurtively) they basically were a bunch of Anarchist bullys who played it smart & safe until they had 2 take action into their own hands which quite frankly didnt do them much good so yea my vote is 4 the Hi-Hats.
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