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Foro del Stix Street Basketball
Stix Street Basketball
:: Stix Street Basketball (Deportes)
Alcanza la mayor puntuación encestando el mayor número posible de pelotas de baloncesto. Hay 5 modos de juego diferentes: 1 on 1, habilidad, tiros libres, 10 tiros y práctica ·· Ratón (apuntar/lanzar)
Tamaño: 970 kbs - Nota: 7,55
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[20/11/2015 07:59] MtycEag1T (España): is it just one parent on the team aksnig for the videos? if more than one want the same thing, then you can charge less for copies, since it's very cheap to make a copy once you are done $ 20 for the one if 3 parents want copies, then make it $ 15 each you get $ 45 total for the game. video camera are so cheap anymore almost everyone who has kids in sports probably already has onethat's a lot of time spent editing how much per hour will that come to for your $ 20?I would charge probably $ 10 per game per copy just for an unedited video of each game let the people do their own editing the kids can probably figure that out on their own
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